Workout of the Day: Friday, 15-September-2023
Frankenstein Squats (10 EOMOM
4 Frankenstein Squats
4 Frankenstein Squats
This drill teaches you the proper positioning of both the bar and your body during the clean and front squat.
Place the barbell on the front of the shoulders, releasing your grip and extending your arms out in front of you. The shoulders should be pushed forward to create a shelf, and the bar should be in contact with the throat. Ensure that you only move your shoulder blades forward; don’t round the thoracic spine.
Squat by flexing the knees and hips, sitting in between your legs. Keep the torso upright, the arms up, and the shoulders forward, and the bar should stay in place. Go to the bottom of the squat, until your hamstrings contact your calves.
Return to the upright position by driving through the front of the heel and extending the knees and hips.
Place the barbell on the front of the shoulders, releasing your grip and extending your arms out in front of you. The shoulders should be pushed forward to create a shelf, and the bar should be in contact with the throat. Ensure that you only move your shoulder blades forward; don’t round the thoracic spine.
Squat by flexing the knees and hips, sitting in between your legs. Keep the torso upright, the arms up, and the shoulders forward, and the bar should stay in place. Go to the bottom of the squat, until your hamstrings contact your calves.
Return to the upright position by driving through the front of the heel and extending the knees and hips.
Metcon (Time)
50 Sandbag Cleans 150/100
(can sub barbell or db’s)
100 Sit-ups
*EMOM including first min 5 Push-ups
Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose
2 Rounds
50 ft Bear Crawl
50 ft Walking Lunges
2 Rounds
10 GM
5 Tempo Front Squats