CrossFit WOD, September 7, 2023

Workout of the Day: Thursday, 07-September-2023

Warm up

4 rounds

5 Strict Press

5 Box Jumps

10 Bent over Rows

Shoulder Press (4 min EMOM 2 Strict Press Mod Weight

Try to go 5-10 lbs heavier than last week)

Push Press (4 min EMOM 2 Push Press

Try to go 5-10 lbs heavier than last week)

Split Jerk (6 min EOMOM 2 Split Jerks
Try to go 5-10 lbs heavier than last week)
Metcon (Time)

with a Partner Complete

100 cal Row

1 Rows while partner holds a Plank

75 S2OH 95/65

1 holds barbell OH while the other does S2OH

50 DL 185/115

Partner Holds Sand bag while the other does DL

25 Synchro Burpees

No barbell option, sub SDL w/KB and db’s for S2OH


Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose