CrossFit WOD, October 4, 2023

Workout of the Day: Wednesday, 04-October-2023


Wear your costumes to the CFMH Halloween Party: Wednesday 10/4 at 6 PM at The Pickleball Social 1055 Conrad Sauer Dr, Houston, TX 77043

Yoga w/Jenny: Saturday 10/7 at 9:45 AM

Please reserve it like you would a regular class as it does count towards on of the monthly classes, thanks!


2 Rounds

15 Romanian Deadlifts

12 Bent Over Rows

10 Elbow Rotations


2 Rounds

5 High Pulls

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Power Cleans

Power Clean (3 rounds
1 min MAX Power Cleans
Round 1 60%
Round 2 70%
Round 3 80%
3 min rest between)

Sub db’s for no barbell option

Metcon (Time)

8 Rounds

15/8 cal Bike/ Ski Sprints

*rest 2 min

Score is your slowest round


Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose