Workout of the Day: Saturday, 30-November-2024
Warm Up
400m Jog
3 Rounds
1 min Plank
20 GHD Hip Ext or Hip Bridges or RDL’s
15 Ring Rows
10 Push-ups
The Sandwich Partner style (Time)
160 cal Row
80 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
160 Deadlift 115/75
share the reps as you see fit but must complete one movement before moving onto the next
Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose
This weeks schedule:
Saturday and Sunday: normal hours
25 Days of Fitness Challenge!
Beat the holiday bulge with an attendance challenge – attend the most classes in December and win cash! Tie breaker will be most consecutive classes attended.
$20 buy in (put a note with your cash in the blue box on the desk to enter)
Be sure to sign in on Wodify- Dec 1-25
Need more classes? Email to increase your class limit or purchase drop in classes at
**attendance will be confirmed by Wodify only, athletes are responsible for confirming they get signed in at each class**