Workout of the Day: Monday, 09-December-2024
5 Rounds
10 RDLs
10 alt V-ups
10 Step-back Lunges
Deadlift (10 EOMOM
2 DL 80-85%
drop and reset each set)
2 DL 80-85%
drop and reset each set)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 DL 185/115
10x50ft shuttle runs (25ft down 25ft back is 1 run)
5 Wall walks
10 Shuttle Runs
Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose
25 Days of Fitness Challenge!
Beat the holiday bulge with an attendance challenge – attend the most classes in December and win cash! Tie breaker will be most consecutive classes attended.
$20 buy in (put a note with your cash in the blue box on the desk to enter)
Be sure to sign in on Wodify- Dec 1-25
Need more classes? Email to increase your class limit or purchase drop in classes at
**attendance will be confirmed by Wodify only, athletes are responsible for confirming they get signed in at each class**