Workout of the Day: Saturday, 11-January-2025
Warm Up
5 Rounds
5 RDLs
10 Walking Lunges
20 Mt Climbers
Metcon (Time)
1-10 Shuttle Runs
DL 185/105
rest 5 min
Cal Row
Box Jumps 24/20
Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose
CFMH Whole 30
Jan 6th – Feb 4th
Go to My Fit Foods (free) or DexaFit West Houston ($100) and complete an InBodyScan or Dexa CFMH25 For 20% off between Dec 30-Jan 7th (baseline)
Complete another scan Feb 5- Feb 9th
We will have 3 male and 3 female winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd)
To sign up put $20 with your name on it in the blue box on the desk during the first week of Jan and email your baseline scan.
MFF is giving us 40% off your first order! Mention the challenge and asks for the discount!
Yoga w/Jenny will be held on the 25th,Saturday this month at 9:30 am, please reserve a spot, thanks!