Workout of the Day: Saturday, 02-December-2023
Warm Up
Partner Warm-up
2 Rounds
200m Run together
Partner 1 does 20 Reverse Lunges
Partner 2 does Shoulder Taps in the Plank position then switch after Lunges are complete
Metcon (For Time) (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Partner WOD
Partner 1: 200m Run
Partner 2: AMRAP
10 KBS 53/35
10 Step-ups w/kb
10 Wall Ball Push Press 20/14
*switch when partner comes in from run and pick up where other partner left off
Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose
Yoga w/Jenny this Saturday at 9:45 am, please reserve a spot, thanks!
At the new location we do not have a source of drinking water set up yet so please bring your own water for the time being, thanks!
We are now located at 1800 Sherwood Forest St. 77043 The entrance and parking is across from Sherwood Elementary on Chatterton Dr.
Directions here