CrossFit WOD, January 4, 2024

Workout of the Day: Thursday, 04-January-2024


This month Yoga w/Jenny will be held the 3rd and 4th week of the month 1/20 and 1/27 on Saturday at 9:45 am, please reserve a spot, thanks!


3 Rounds
10 OHS
5 Box Jumps

Snatch Balance (8 EMOM
1 Snatch Balance with a 3 sec Pause in the Bottom
start light based off feel)
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

8 Rounds
15/9 cals Bike
5 Power Snatch 115/75
rest 2 min
Should be touch and Go weight for first few rounds


Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose