CrossFit WOD, January 6, 2024

Workout of the Day: Saturday, 06-January-2024


This month Yoga w/Jenny will be held the 3rd and 4th week of the month 1/20 and 1/27 on Saturday at 9:45 am, please reserve a spot, thanks!

Warm Up

400m Run


25ft Elephant walks

25ft Walking Lunges

25ft Bear Crawls

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

25 AMRAP Partner WOD

Partner 1: 400m Run

Partner 2:


20 SDL 70/53 KB

20 Suitcase Step-ups 50/35 DB ( do not use a tall box)

15 Push-ups

*When Partner 1 comes in from the run pick up wherever the other partner left off in the AMRAP


Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose