Workout of the Day: Monday, 08-January-2024
Air Squat
DB Strict Press
DB Bent over Rows
Back Squat (Work to heavy single within 8 min then
drop down to 70% for
4 min EMOM of 3 reps)
drop down to 70% for
4 min EMOM of 3 reps)
Metcon (Time)
500/450m Row
10 Power Cleans 135/95lb
500/450m Row
20 S2OH
500/450m Row
10 Power Cleans
500/450m Row
Target Time 13-15 min
Time cap 18 min
This month Yoga w/Jenny will be held the 3rd and 4th week of the month 1/20 and 1/27 on Saturday at 9:45 am, please reserve a spot, thanks!