Workout of the Day: Thursday, 07-March-2024
with a Partner Row 100 cals
1 Partner Rows the other Does Push-up Shoulder Taps
Switch whenever you want
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Climb the Ladder
2 DB Squat Clean Thrusters
4 cal Row
6 Sit-ups
Rest 1 min between rounds
Double the reps every round
Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose
Join us for a free pelvic floor workshop on Saturday 3/9 at 9:30 at the gym! Come take the 8:30 am Saturday WOD and stay after for this workshop!
Yoga w/Jenny will be held on March 16th and 30th this month at 9:30 am, please reserve a spot, thanks!