In any order
500m Ski
1000m C2Bike
500m Row
Bear Crawl down
Walking Lunges back
10 scap Ring Rows/Pull-ups
10 Push Press/Shoulder Press w/pause at top
:30 Hollow Hold
20 Hip Bridges/GHD Hip Ext
5 Tempo Front Squat w/pause
5 Empty bar Thrusters
5 Jumping Pull-ups
All for time:
5 rounds of:
10 thrusters, weight 1
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Rest 1 minute, then:
5 rounds of:
7 thrusters, weight 2
7 bar muscle-ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
F: 65lb, 95lb
M: 95lb, 135lb
All for time:
5 rounds of:
10 thrusters, weight 1
10 jumping chest-to-bar
Rest 1 minute, then:
5 rounds of:
7 thrusters, weight 2
7 chin-over-bar pull-ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
F: 45lb, 65lb
M: 65lb, 95lb
Time Permitting
Roll your Lats, Glutes and Quads
Pigeon and Childs Pose
Yoga w/Jenny will be held on March 16th and 30th this month at 9:30 am, please reserve a spot, thanks!